View Profile WolfAkela
"Nay, Luri. You do not need my advise anymore."

Age 34, Male

Student / Animator

University of the Philippines


Joined on 12/19/05

Exp Points:
570 / 710
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.99 votes
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Looks pretty kickass :), good luck :D!

Thanks. :D

This has real potential :), the wolves are very nicely animated!

Keep it up, I look forward to seeing this in the portal ;).

Thank you. ^^; I love the animation part.

I'll try to ask a friend sometime to record a vid of the game being played, since recording lags on my computer.

Lol you rated 5 on your own youtube vid.

Lol, no, you can't rate your own vids.

If you did it, well, thanks. XD

Haha, just after I comment'd I realised I already had before xP.

Oh well, more compliments is a good thing ^_^ (More constructive too imo xP).

Again, good luck and keep it up :D!

Lol, now that you mention it I only noticed it just now. O_O

Thanks. Good luck on your Ninja game as well. ^^

Screenshot looks good. Let us know when it's done. :-)

Sure will. :)

that looks great :D
btw what screen recorder are you using? Ppl tell that CamStudio 2.5 is really good (and free), tho I can't say that because Vista isn't so friendly with it :(

Thanks! I used CamStudio, but I think it's the older I accidentally downloaded, because I remember being able to record vids without looking grainy.

Don't know about Vista though, I don't have one and I'm not switching to it unless a service pack is released that fixes a lot of problems with it. Just install XP for now. It's loads better.

You like wolves huh?

Anyway it looks amazing

The wolf animations look fantastic... but seriously you need to draw backgrounds or at least get someone else to do them. I think having photos detracts so much from the fantastic animations... When are you planning to release the game?

I might be able to do some for you after ive finished my current game.... depends how many you would want though :)

This definitely looks interesting.

I have a few friends who are complete wolf-nuts and I'll let them check this out as well, I'm sure they'll like it. :D

Again, it looks great. Looking forward to this!

- NT.

Thanks, though production is on temporary hold, given all the stuff I have to do for school, and the lack of ideas for the whole game itself. >_<

And lol, if you're wondering, this isn't the DMC-ish Flash game I was talking about. XD I was just experimenting on coding until it expanded and expanded, lol.

Looking forward to your future Audio portal submissions. I listened to many of them and I loved it. :D

Well, it looks awesome so far.
Good luck!

Thanx for faving my sub!!